Saturday, December 15, 2007

The INFP Strength

The INFP has very unique and specific strengths.

I have a creative, sensitive soul and also take my life very seriously. I look for genuineness and harmony in my relationships with other people. I value creativity, spirituality, and honoring the individual self above all else. I'm very tuned into inequity and unfairness against people, and feel great satisfaction in changing injustice. I empathize with the underdog. I'm a perfectionist who rarely allows myself to feel successful. I'm sharply aware of my failures. For me, personal success is felt in the health of close relationships, using artistic skills, and working to help the world be a better place.  (Specifically by serving people's needs and working against injustice when I encounter it.)

I have specific gifts that that aren't natural strengths for other people.   Seeing and using these gifts helps me understand my place in this world, and I am able to use my talents to turn my dreams into reality. I am naturally artistic. I've developed my inner artist through music. It feels very fulfilling to me when I'm growing and using my musical ability. Simply "creating" something (like this blog) is renewing and refreshes me. Music adds real enrichment and positive energy to my life. I am a natural teacher, minister, writer, musician, counsellor and psychologist.

I am deep and intelligent. Difficult concepts are relatively easy for me. I have a need to think deeply, and educating my mind nourishes it. I often explore topics on my own. I'm able to see connections and patterns in the things I things I learn about, and can penetrate to the essence of complex systems. For me, learning is less about "remembering", and more about "becoming" or "growing". I can literally feel my own awareness evolving as I learn, and it brings pleasure to me.

I have a heightened spiritual awareness, and I am more in touch with my soul than most people. I have strong faith. To some people, I come across as mystical. For me, faith is a direct experience, felt in a way similar to the way you would feel the temperature. My faith doesn't rely on my mind's understanding and does not require me to surrender my intellect. To me, faith (and other nouns such as hope and love) are observable things. It requires no proof, for the exact same reasons that the computer screen you are looking at does not need to prove it exists. Faith and religion can be known separately or together. Religion to me is like a musical instrument, I don't confuse it to be the musician.  The important concepts behind my "home" religion are meaningful to me, and the concepts expressed through other religions are also meaningful for me. I grok that "the finger pointing at the moon is not the moon."

I'm very tuned into inequity and unfairness against people, and feel great satisfaction in changing injustice. I empathize with the underdog. This empathy, combined with my heightened awareness of social injustice makes me an extremely compassionate and nurturing person. I literally feel like an iron superhero when I'm helping, supporting, and fighting for other people and their needs. I feel other people's pain and heal it.
I am a good listener who genuinely wants to hear about problems. I see something positive in everyone and I believe in people. I am able to supply confidence and self-esteem to people who cannot find it on their own. In doing this, I am able to nurture "sick souls" back to health.
I care for people and want to help them. Through my eyes, all people are truly equal, and I relate uniquely to every individual. I am very egalitarian. I hold and live that everyone has the right to be themself, with their attitudes and and perspectives free from the scrutiny and pressure of society. I have a great deal of tolerance and acceptance for people who society does not accept or tolerate. I believe that society is often unjustified in it's actions and beliefs.

~ adapted from

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have been following your blog lately. It has been a great comfort and inspiration during a difficult life transition. I must say you are a wonder writer, just wonderful. The fact that you are writing about INFPs and sharing your world is a great gift. Thank you from a fellow INFP - Joseph