Sunday, December 16, 2007

The INFP in a Nutshell


I’m going to present INFP qualities in a list format because I have found reading a paragraph when you are digging for some important, quick information, can be difficult, well it can be irritating! So let us take a look at a list of personality traits for INFPs. This type:
Is naturally empathetic and compassionate
Is quietly and very idealistically watching everything
Is naturally skilled communicators drawn to new ideas
Is future oriented may struggle with in-the-moment practical thinking
Is looking for meaning in absolutely everything and everyone
Needs to believe they have contributed something to life
Is deeply concerned with harmony and maintaining harmony is critical
May appear at times to be aloof and cool, but still water run deep
Does not have great respect for rules and regulations per se
Is typically attracted to the abstract and symbolic
Usually very open minded with a classless approach to people/society

Now do you see yourself/someone else in the above basic list of personality traits??

What we really begin to see with personality type is emerging patterns of behaving and using our brains. The INFP way is natural, instinctive, beautiful, created to be this way. Let us continue.

Mottos Are Fun

For the INFP these mottos or things to put on their battle flag might be: “Still Waters Do Run Deep”, “Meaning In Life”, “Symbols Are Real”, to name a few.

Let us make another list of personality traits, INFPs:
Are reasoning and making decisions with feeling and compassion focused on maintaining harmony
Will follow-through and fulfill commitments
Will have difficulty (sometimes great difficulty) facing repeated strife and disharmony
Usually are very cooperative people unless strife is constant and extreme
Will more easily see human potential and can quietly work to bring that about
Creativity is not foreign to them and they express it in various ways
Typically appreciate freedom in their lives to “live” their “ideals”

Now, my friend, the INFP not only behaves in the above manner…THEY NATURALLY EXPECT EVERYONE ELSE TO DO THE SAME!!

So, what happens when they see that many others do not behave that way?? (only 4-5% of America’s population is this type) Answer: Different levels of stress, confusion, irritation, etc.; typically nothing this type can’t handle. So, this is a NATURAL reaction on the part of this type, they are not doing anything wrong.

More Stuff The INFP:
In relationships, are usually compassionate, adaptable and sensitive
In relationships, are very warm and deeply value friendship once a relationship is established
In relationships, they value family, children, commitment, loyalty and love
In relationships, they can become in love with the “idea” of love
In relationships, they have a strong idea of right and wrong; but, that may be difficult at first to see in them
In relationships, they are flexible and can become irritated with too much routine, rules, and structure
Has a natural awareness of the joys and sufferings of others

Under Stress The INFP:
May become even less Introverted and more Extraverted, and verbally “attack”
May bit off more than they can chew when under stress
Will become rigid and perfectionist, feel very inadequate and self-critical
May become explosively critical of others under extreme stress
May begin to take everything very personally and feel hurt

If this type is you, wonderful, perhaps you now have a better understanding of yourself, and perhaps you can use that increased understanding in many positive ways.

If you see someone else as this type but not you, please pay attention to the differences between your personality and the INFP. Try to see that your way and the INFPway are natural and just fine! Look for the positive differences, the strengthsthis type brings to your type. Celebrate that because it cannot be changed and can add wonderful diversity and truth to your life!!

1 comment:

Little Cherry said...

Thanks so much for this post! I'm reading through a lot of your posts and it warms my heart knowing that how I am is normal (even if INFPs are a rarity!).

I'm enjoying reading your blog, and thanks for all the information. I find it very informative and it so very me. I can relate to so much and I don't feel so guilty for being how I am.

Joy to read.

Cherie. :)