Sunday, December 16, 2007

INFP ~ Love

If You Are the INFP: Idealistic Philosopher

"Love is the perfect place: quiet, peaceful, and kind."

You Are Someone Who:
Enjoys the arts, philosophy, and psychology
Needs to have a crusade (or mission) in life.
Is sensitive.
Is idealistic.
Is generally easy-going until your values are violated.
Tends to have high expectations regarding your loved one.

If You Are Female, Your Best Matches Are:
INFPs: Idealistic Philosophers
ENJFs: Growth Teachers (Page 13)
ENFPs: Social Philosophers (Page 11)
INFJs: Mystic Writers (Page 9)

If You are Male, Your Best Matches Are:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I find it hard to tell if my personality isn't more of a female kind, even if I'm a guy, so what matches I've to consider to be the best for like "female" guys and "male" girls? Is it enough to flip it around? ;)