Friday, December 14, 2007


What's up internet?  I'm Shane and I'm an INFP.  I just learned this about myself two days ago.  If you're in the know about INFPs, you'll understand that I feel like my eyes have been opened. It's as if I understand myself and the world, finally!

Just to be clear, I am a major INFP.  Here's the breakdown: 

Introverted (I) 86% Extraverted (E) 14%
Intuitive (N) 73% Sensing (S) 27%
Feeling (F) 85% Thinking (T) 15%
Perceiving (P) 86% Judging (J) 14%

I took multiple tests which all spit out the same conclusion.  This is definitely the personality I was born with.

This means that I get lost in thought a lot.  I love everyone and everything.  I don't care so much about the rules, but feel very strongly about good and evil.  My feelings drive me.  I am monastic.  I'm obsessed with the ideas in the Matrix.  I meditate, hold a martial arts belt, and love playing music in front of a crowd.  I appear very weird to people who don't understand me.  I am an idealist, and I am a "healer".  I care deeply about your problems as if they were my own, and feel the best when I'm able to turn sadness into happiness, or ease the problems of another.  Confrontation is horrible.

I'm a rare type, about 1 in 100.  I'm proud of this.  However, I often feel lonely/misunderstood and find it difficult to relate to a world that doesn't share my traits.  It's like being a Golden Retriever in a world full of German Shephards.

I hope you enjoy my blog as I grow it.   If you happen to be studying psychology and have questions about what it is like to be an INFP, ask away ... believe me, it makes me truly happy to help.

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